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What We Do:

The Feeding team is made up of both an Occupational Therapist and a Speech Language Pathologist who work together to support children and their families who are having difficulty with eating and mealtime. The team:

  • Provides Assessment of children and youth with difficulties with chewing solids, gagging, choking, and swallowing challenges associated with either eating or drinking.
  • Provides Assessment of physical and sensory components contributing to difficulty managing a variety of food tastes and textures leading to a significantly restricted diet.
  • Uses a coaching model to support families, licensed child care staff, school staff, and other caregivers who regularly interact with the child/ youth.

Who are we:

We are a team made up of:

Occupational Therapists: Master’s Degree – Must be registered with the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario and Speech.

Speech Language Pathologists: Masters Degree – Must be registered with the Canadian Association of Speech Language Pathologists of Ontario.

Who we serve:

  • Children living within Sarnia Lambton.
  • Newborn to 19 years
Child eating food

What we provide:

  • Coaching support of parents and caregivers upon parents request ie. day care staff, school etc
  • Liaison with and consultation support to physicians and specialists involved in the care of the child upon parent’s request
  • Group programming for children/ youth and their families may be considered if numbers and interest align


Intervention strategies may relate to the development of:

  • Chewing skills
  • Drinking sills
  • Tolerating Tooth brushing
  • Tolerating a greater range of food textures/ tastes
  • Strategies to support safe swallowing
  • Development of self feeding skills

What to expect:

Together, the Occupational Therapist and Speech-Language Pathologist will:

  • Take time with you to discuss and understand the history of the feeding challenge your child/ youth is experiencing. This will likely be by phone or video call.
  • Typically, a home visit will be arranged so that the therapists can see your child/ youth where they are most comfortable eating/drinking. The home visit may be completed in-person or virtually.
  • Day care or school visits may also be arranged to assess and provide coaching in that setting.
  • Therapists will provide coaching to parents and any caregivers involved in your child/ youth’s daily life upon parent’s request. Equipment suggestions and strategies will be modeled as needed.
  • Follow up coaching and support will be provided as needed through phone, email or in person.
  • Discharge from this consultative service will be discussed as parents and caregivers feel more confident in their skills in supporting their child/ youth’s progress and/or their child/ youth is functioning well enough to support their growth and nutrition and is managing well during family meal time.


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How To Refer:

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or 1-855-542-3471

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Make A Referral
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