What is Family Engagement?
When you are caring for a child with special needs, it can leave a parent or caregiver feeling overwhelmed and alone. Through the Family Engagement Program, parents have the opportunity to connect with other parents who share similar experiences. As soon as your child is connected to services at Pathways, you will have access to a number of helpful programs, resources and support to help you through your journey.
Who are we:
A Family Engagement Coordinator is not only an employee of Pathways but also a parent of child with special needs who has knowledge and experience working with the education system, community programs and funding opportunities. They provide parent to parent support when navigating services and programs available for the child.
Who we serve:
Our Family Engagement Coordinator is here to help support parents and caregivers, who have a child receiving therapy services at Pathways.
What we provide:
Parent to Parent Support Group
Pathways offers daytime and evening parent support groups, which are held once a month either at the centre or in the community. Our parent groups offer “me time,” connecting caregivers who are going through many of the same experiences. Once you are connected to our Family Engagement Coordinator, they will contact you by email or through the closed Facebook page to inform you of the dates and location of the groups.
Online Closed Facebook Support Group
Our closed Facebook group, “Pathways Family Forum” is a safe and supportive place where families can connect online to ask questions, share information, and receive valuable community resources. This is a private group that consists of only Pathways families and is not open to the public.
Educational Presentation and Workshops
Throughout the year presentations and workshops are offered based on the needs and interests voiced from families. These opportunities help strengthen a family’s knowledge in the areas of school supports, extracurricular activities, funding opportunities and advocacy skills.
F.A.C. Family Advisory Council
The Family Advisory Council represents the voice of families receiving services at Pathways Health Centre for Children. This group meets 5-6 times per year and their focus is to ensure families feel they have an ally in the Centre that understands the challenges they may be experiencing with their child’s care. Families also help implement family engagement activities, ideas for future presentations and workshops. If a family member is interested in joining this committee, please contact our Family Engagement Coordinator.
What to expect:
Our Family Engagement Program:
- Help families navigate the school system, funding opportunities, and community resources
- Facilitate monthly Parent Support Groups within the centre and in the community
- Manage a private Facebook group which connects Pathways families so they are able share information and experiences
- Provide educational sessions based on the needs and interests of families
- Family engagement opportunities may include: “Parent Pamper Night”, “Craft Nights”, “Family Dinner Nights”
- Meet with families one to one in the centre, in the community, or at community hubs
- Provide workshops to help support families in the areas of, funding paperwork parties, binder bootcamp, and “All About Me” biography page
How can I connect to Pathways Family Engagement services?
To be connected to Family Engagement services, you must have a child that is receiving therapy services at Pathways or on the waitlist. There are a few ways in which you can be connected to this service:
- Speak to your child’s therapist or Service Coordinator about wanting a referral to the Family Engagement Coordinator.
- Call our Family Engagement Coordinator directly or speak to our receptionist to inquire about this service.
What is the wait time after a referral has been submitted for Family Engagement?
Once the Family Engagement Coordinator receives a referral they will reach out to you within two weeks by email to provide you with information about this service. A parent or caregiver can request a meeting if they would like more information or if they have any questions about this service. The Family Engagement Coordinator will mail out hard copies of the information if they have not received any correspondence from the initial email.
Does my child have to be a specific age for my family to be connected to Family Engagement services?
No, the only requirement is that your child or young adult is receiving therapy services at Pathways or on the waitlist
Are Family Engagement services specific to a particular diagnosis?
No, our Family Engagement Coordinator supports all families who are connected to Pathways. There may be times when a workshop or presentations is specific to a diagnosis but otherwise our Family Engagement Coordinator is here to support all Pathways’ families.
What services are offered through the Family Engagement Coordinator?
Our Family Engagement Coordinator offers the following supports:
- Parent and caregiver connection groups offering peer to peer support
- Educational presentations
- Family events
- Closed Facebook Group, “Pathways Family Forum”

How To Refer:

519-542-3471 ext. 1291
or 1-855-542-3471 for more information