What is Behaviour Support Services?
Behaviour Support Services help support Pathways children and their caregivers who:
- Demonstrate challenging behaviours that interfere with Pathways therapy sessions and achievement of therapy goals
- Require behaviour management strategies to help support inclusion at a licensed child care site in Lambton County
- Are registered in designated programs within the Ontario Autism Program.
Our Behaviour Team provides consultation in-centre during Pathways therapy sessions or at licenced child care sites only. Behaviour services are not provided at home or in schools and do not address mental health needs.
- For behaviour concerns at school, please speak to your child’s teacher and/or principal.
- For behaviour concerns in the home please discuss these concerns with your child’s therapist or service coordinator for an appropriate referral.
- For mental health needs, please talk to your child’s therapist or service coordinator who can provide information about local mental health services.
Who we are:
Behaviour Support Services are provided by a Board-Certified Behaviour Analyst (BCBA), Behaviour Consultants and Behaviour Assistants using the principals of Applied Behaviour Analysis.
The Behaviour Analyst (BCBA) is regulated by the College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts of Ontario. Services provided by other members of the Behaviour team are not considered to be regulated. Currently members of the Behaviour Team are not supervised by a Behaviour Analyst.
What we Provide:
Available Services
- Strategies typically take a proactive approach including environmental modifications, building skills, establishing routines, exploring replacement behaviours, incorporating visual strategies, etc.
- Information, resources, and strategies to reduce challenging behaviours such as aggression, self-injury, non-compliance, etc.
- Information and strategies to support, increase, and maintain appropriate behaviours.
- A telephone consultation to complete an initial assessment and introduce Behaviour Support Services.
- Following the assessment, an observation may take place during a therapy or program session or within the childcare environment. In some cases, referral to other local service providers may be discussed.
- Consultations take place at Pathways or at a licensed childcare.
- Behaviour Support Services is a consultative process that requires the family’s direct involvement throughout their time in service. Both participation and implementation of the strategies provided will help to support a successful outcome.
What to Expect:
- We provide strategies and recommendations to childcare providers for Pathways children and youth with challenging behaviours who attend licensed childcare centres in Lambton County.
- We consult with other Pathways clinicians who require support in delivering service due to the behavioural challenges of the client.
- We provide workshops for caregivers to further develop their behaviour management skills. Clinicians, childcare educators, and families play an important role in identifying goals and the consistent use of strategies.
If you have any questions or concerns about the behaviour services you are receiving please speak directly to the Pathways Behaviour Team or contact Pathways Health Centre for Children. Starting on July 1, 2024, if needed, you can file a complaint directly with the College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analyst of Ontario.
- Workshops take place at Pathways, the Parent and Professional Resource Centre (PPRC) at Lambton College, or virtually.
- Arrangements can be made for education workshops to be provided at childcare locations as needed. Information about workshops will be posted on our Facebook page.
- For behaviour information related to mental health, general parenting strategies, etc.
- St.Clair Child and Youth Services 519-337-3701 www.stclairchild.ca
- Lambton Public Health 519-383-8331 ext. 3568 www.lambtonhealth.on.ca
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How To Refer:

The first step in accessing Behaviour Support Services is speaking with your Pathways clinician, Resource Consultant, or Service Coordinator to help determine if a referral is appropriate for your family. From there, an internal referral can be made for your child by a Pathways clinician.