How will Pathways help my child?
We use a service model based on partnerships between families and staff. We will listen to your concerns, and together, assess your child’s abilities. A service plan will be developed to meet your child’s unique needs.
Do I have to pay for services at Pathways?
There is no cost for most of our services. If you require financial assistance to pay for equipment or specialty items, talk to your clinician or service coordinator.
I live in the county. Will I have to drive my child to Sarnia for help?
Pathways offers services throughout Lambton County, in Hubs, EarlyON Centres, schools and licensed childcare centres. Please speak with your clinician or Service Coordinator about where your family can receive service.
Transportation can be difficult for my family, what are the options?
Pathways offers services throughout Sarnia-Lambton. Talk with your clinician or Service Coordinator about the most appropriate location for your family to receive service or the option of virtual appointments.
If you have difficulty finding transportation to appointments, assistance may be available.
What if my child already receives services elsewhere?
Please let us know if you are receiving services from another agency. To best support your child’s development, it is important that we all work together!
Does Pathways provide the same care offered in other communities?
While each children’s rehabilitation centre responds to the needs of its community in its own way, we all offer the same core services (occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech therapy). Wait times and service delivery might be different, but we all follow similar guidelines.
How is Pathways funded?
Pathways is a non-profit organization funded primarily through the provincial government with some funding from the County of Lambton. Some programs and services are enhanced through donations and sponsorships. The original vision of the Rotary Club of Sarnia for a centre to help children with special needs is the basis of the longstanding relationship between the Rotary Club of Sarnia and Pathways, enhanced through both capital and operational support over the many years of our organization.
Do you hire accredited professionals?
Many of our clinicians are regulated health professionals. They belong to governing bodies that set standards for training, skills and conduct.
Is there a Board of Directors?
The Pathways Board of Directors is a dedicated group of volunteers representing many parts of our community. This team is active in governance and leadership to support the work of Pathways.
Can I come in for a tour of Pathways?
Absolutely! Contact us to arrange a tour by calling (519) 542-3471 or 1-855-542-3471.
How long will my child wait for service?
We aim to see children for an assessment within 3 months from the time of referral. Please understand that wait times can vary.
Are services available in French or other languages?
Yes. Pathways offers some services in French by our French speaking staff. Services in other languages are offered through the use of a live interpreter service by phone or iPad, called VOYCE.
If we didn’t answer your question, please call us. We’re happy to hear from you!
Can my child continue Pathways services throughout their school years?
Some, but not all programs continue services for children throughout their school years. In situations where we are not able to continue services, we work with you and community partners to transfer your child’s care. Expect your child’s clinician to begin conversations with you about transition.
If my child misses an appointment, will I be charged?
No! We do not charge for missed appointments, but we ask you to let us know if you can’t keep your scheduled time. If you miss two appointments without contacting us in advance, your child’s file may be closed. You will need a new referral to begin again.
Can I volunteer at Pathways?
Caring volunteers work with Pathways staff to support programs, services and fundraising.
To find out about volunteer opportunities or to join our team or (519) 542-3471 ext. 1280 or 1-855-542-3471 ext. 1280
Does Pathways accept donations?
Although Pathways is mainly funded by the provincial government, we rely on support from our community to purchase equipment and materials used by our staff in their work. Contributions, both large and small, are highly valued and very much appreciated! Make a donation by:
- Contacting us at (519) 542-3471 or toll free at 1-855-542-3471
- Donating online
- Emailing
- Dropping in to Pathways
- Printing out a Donation Form and mailing it in with your donation
If we didn’t answer your question, please call us. We’re happy to hear from you!
Acronyms at Pathways
Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities – An MCCSS income based funded program whereby Pathways hires workers to support children and youth in their homes who qualify provincially for a number of hours of support annually. For more information, see: Family and Transition Support Services
Assistive Devices Program – A division of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, funds part of the costs of equipment prescribed. Staff outline costs and options and may refer clients for support in obtaining funds to cover the remaining costs from other local or provincial sources. Augmentative Communication
Autism Spectrum Disorder – A developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior. Although autism can be diagnosed at any age, it is said to be a “developmental disorder” because symptoms generally appear in the first two years of life. For more information, see: Autism Services
Children’s Treatment Centre – Children’s Treatment Centre. As a Children’s Treatment Centre, Pathways provides a range of rehabilitation and treatment services for children and youth with special needs in the community and in publicly-funded schools to help them participate fully at home, school and in the community.
Care Assisting Children’s Health and Education – The acronym by which we call our onsite licensed child care. For more information, see: Childcare
Coordinated Service Planning – An MCCSS funded Special Needs Strategy multi-sector initiative for which Pathways is one of 34 lead agencies provincially (from 2017). For more information, see: Coordinated Service Planning
Empowered Kids Ontario – The provincial association for 21 CTCs as well as other interested non-profit organizations who subscribe to the goals of EKO and who are involved in the delivery of services to children and youth with special needs and their families within Ontario. (Formerly OACRS.) For more information, see: EKO
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder – An MCCSS funded initiative for which Pathways is the community lead by virtue of being the Lead Coordinated Service Planning Agency in Lambton (from 2018). For more information, see: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Infant Hearing Program – Provides hearing screening for all Ontario newborns in hospital or community settings and identifies newborns with permanent hearing loss, supports their language development to ready them for school and identifies and monitors children at risk of developing hearing loss. For more information, see: Infant Hearing Program
Lifelong Learning Program – A social enterprise style program for young adults who have left school and still wish to learn skills to function as contributing adults. For more information, see: Lifelong Learning
Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services – Our main funding Ministry.
Measure of Processes of Care – A tool used to understand and measure family experiences and perceptions of the care they receive from Pathways, at Pathways or from our Pathways staff in schools, community sites, daycares and hubs.
Ontario Autism Program – The Ontario Autism Program (OAP) is funded through the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS). The OAP has a range of services and supports you and your child can access once registered. For more information, see: Ontario Autism Program
Ontario Disability Support Program – MCCSS funding for adults with a disability. For more information, see: Family and Transition Support Services
Personal Health Information Protection Act – Our privacy practices comply with and are consistent with Ontario’s Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) and the requirements of the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA). For more information, see: Privacy
Preschool Speech and Language – An MCCSS funded program for which Pathways is one of 31 provincial lead agencies (from 1998). For more information, see: Speech Language Pathology
School Based Rehabilitation Services provides supports in Occupational Therapy (OT), Physiotherapy (PT), and some Speech/Language Therapy (SLP), for students grades 1-12, in four publicly funded school boards. For more information, see: School Based Rehabilitation Services
Special Needs Resource Service – This service is delivered through money provided to the County of Lambton by the Ministry of Education. RCs, RAs, the BT and TR teams build capacity among community child care staff to provide support to children with identified needs in licensed child care programs so that they can participate in activities along with their peers. This goal is accomplished through modeling strategies, consultation and education. For more information, see: Special Needs Resource Support
Special Services at Home – An MCCSS funded program whereby Pathways hires workers to support children and youth in their homes who qualify provincially for a number of hours of support annually. For more information, see: Family and Transition Support Services
Services and Job Titles
Augmentative Communication Services
Behaviour Assistant
Behaviour Consultant
Communicative Disorders Assistant
Community Support Worker
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy Assistant/Physiotherapy Assistant
Resource Consultant
Resource Assistant
Service Coordinator
Support Facilitator
Speech Language Pathology
Social Worker
TR Specialist
Therapeutic Recreation