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Children in super hero costumes

What We Do:

At C.A.C.H.É. we provide a safe welcoming childcare experience, where children are free to explore and engage in meaningful learning opportunities. Our learning environment allows children to interact with children of all abilities and examine their world in a relaxed, yet organized and predictable manner. These learning opportunities are presented at the child’s level with the intention of building on their present skills and abilities.

Our program is guided by the Ministry of Education’s Policy Statement on Programming and Pedagogy made under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014. This policy statement names “How Does Learning Happen? (HDLH) Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years (2014)”as the document to be used for the purpose of guiding all licensed child care programs in Ontario. HDLH encompasses a broad range of program philosophies and approaches and may look quite different when put into practice in a variety of settings.

We promote a community in which equity, diversity and inclusion is embraced; where all children belong and families are supported in their choices.

Who We Are:

Our C.A.C.H.É team of educators is composed of Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECEs) and other persons with child related College/University education such as Child and Youth Workers, Developmental Service Workers and Registered Ontario Teachers who collaborate together to develop, implement and adapt the children’s programs. This programming supports learning and development through positive interactions and strategies that are in line with the C.A.C.H.É Program Statement and Child Goals. The team also works together to ensure the safety and well-being of the children in their care in partnership with parents.

Although not all staff are RECEs the entire team takes part in the same continuing education opportunities so that all are aware of current child care pedagogy and follow the guidelines of the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014. Their diverse educational backgrounds contribute to a unique, varied and dynamic child care environment that benefits all children and families in our care. C.A.C.H.É educators are also supported by onsite Food Service Workers to ensure that children receive nutritious snacks and meals that meet the legislated requirements of the CCEYA and Canada’s Food Guide. These employees are trained in Safe Food Handling Practices through Lambton County Health Services.

Who We Serve:

C.A.C.H.É. Child Care Service is an inclusive program serving children with special needs and typically developing children ages 18 months to 6 years of age.

What We Provide:

Hours Of Service For C.A.C.H.É.:

Monday To Friday, 7:30 A.M. To 5:30 P.M.

C.A.C.H.É. is not open on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Staff PD Day, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Civic Holiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day.

Fees For C.A.C.H.É.:

Care is provided for all age groups up to 10 hours per day and includes morning and afternoon snacks and a catered lunch. Minimum attendance is 2 days per week.

C.A.C.H.É. participates in the Canada-wide Early Learning & Child Care system.  Learn more here.

Fees for all age groups is $22 per day.

What To Expect:


How To Register:

To register for Toddler or Preschool child care services, visit the Lambton OneList website, and complete the application process indicating your interest in C.A.C.H.É. Child Care.