Pathways Health Centre is proudly Accredited with Accreditation Canada with Exemplary Standing. To learn more about Accreditation Canada’s standards, please visit their website by clicking the button below.
Accreditation Canada delivers a wide range of high-impact assessment programs for health and social service organizations, powered by their affiliate, Health Standards Organization (HSO), and customized to local needs. Accreditation Canada works with more than 900 expert peer surveyors with extensive health care and social services experience and trained in Accreditation Canada’s customized, continuous assessment program.
For more than 60 years, Accreditation Canada has been working with health, social and community service organizations to advance quality and safety. – Accreditation Canada
Empowered Kids Ontario (EKO)
Pathways Health Centre for Children is a proud member of EKO, or Empowered Kids Ontario (formerly entitled Ontario Association of Children’s Rehabilitation Centres (OACRS). EKO represents Ontario’s publicly-funded child development and rehabilitation sector. With the united voice of its member agencies, EKO promotes evidence-based investments, policies, and programs enabling smart, innovative approaches and service delivery so kids with special needs and their families live their best lives.
To learn more about EKO and about other Children’s Treatment Centres in Ontario, please click the button below.
Social Services Network of Sarnia-Lambton
Pathways is a proud member of the Social Services Network of Sarnia-Lambton (SSNSL). We are a voluntary affiliation of charitable human service organizations working together to strengthen the capacity and promote the values of community-based health and social services throughout Sarnia-Lambton. Member agencies bring their knowledge, expertise and compassion in working with communities and individuals to make Sarnia-Lambton a better place in which to live, work and play. Social service groups touch virtually all aspects of life in Sarnia-Lambton, including basic necessities like food, shelter and clothing, as well as human rights, environment, health, faith, culture, sports and recreation.
Pathways strives to be a leader in accessibility.
We will work to accommodate, when requested, accessibility challenges individuals may have when engaging in Pathways services and/or information. We also welcome all feedback, comments and concerns regarding the accessibility of our sites and services. Please let us know how we can help. Under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA), organizations must make their accessibility compliance reports available to the public. Please contact us to access a copy.
Contact our Accessibility Officer, 519-542-3471 ext. 1262 or inquiries can also be made through out Contact Us page
With more than 240 languages on-demand, VOYCE™ helps us be even more inclusive and accessible for our clients and families every day.
Pathways uses VOYCE™ to provide clients and staff with access to certified medical interpreters. Speak to your clinician or service coordinator if you or your family would benefit from interpretation services at your visits.
♦ Language interpretation needs won’t increase your wait time
♦ Let us know the language you’re most comfortable using
♦ An interpreter will be with you from hello to goodbye at your visit!
Rights & Responsibilities
Pathways families have the RIGHT to:
- be treated with respect & dignity
- expect privacy and confidentiality
- be fully engaged in decision making regarding services
- care that respects & supports client/family growth & development
- information presented in a way that is clear and understandable
- view and make changes to their client/family information stored in our electronic client record
Pathways families have the RESPONSIBILITY to:
- be a contributing member of you child’s service team, which may include shared goal setting, participating actively in services, participating at home, identifying needs & partnering in planning for future services
- communicate with your child’s team regarding any changes, concerns or questions that you may have, indicating important information like family, medication allergies, school, health & contact information
- attend appointments. It is your responsibility to notify your team if you cannot make an appointment
- treat staff, volunteers, students, other clients and the property of Pathways with respect
Pathways staff have the RESPONSIBILITY to:
- treat clients & families with respect and dignity
- protect client privacy; keeping client information confidential, releasing only with appropriate consent
- provide appropriate, high-quality services based on client strengths and needs with available resources
- plan services in conjunction with the family, and when appropriate, the Pathways team & community partners
- support families in working towards goals in home and community settings
- provide families with information about other Pathways or community services that may be of benefit
- review services, goals & progress with families whenever requested in a clear, concise manner
Our Commitment to Protecting Your Privacy
- With your permission/consent, we collect and use information about you, your child and your family (hereinafter, “your family”) to provide the best care possible and a safe environment for all.
- We are committed to protecting your family’s privacy.
- We are mandated to comply with Ontario’s Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) and the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA) requirements.
- We will not share your family’s personal information without your consent unless the law requires us to.
- You have the right to restrict the use and sharing of your family’s information.
- You can always request access to and copies of your family’s health records.
- We are unable to follow you on social media, but please follow us! Pathways Instagram page Pathways Facebook page
- Please do not take any photos or make sound/image recordings during your visits to Pathways or our community sites.
- If your child is in a group, please respect everyone’s privacy by not sharing the names or other details of children in the group.
- If you have a concern about how your information has been handled, you may call the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario at 1-800-387-0073 or www.ipc.on.ca
Infection Prevention and Control
Health & Safety Protocols
Pathways works to protect the health and safety of our clients and families, staff, volunteers and all visitors.
In the best interest of you, your child, your clinician and others at Pathways, please cancel your child’s appointment as soon as possible if you or your child are feeling unwell or have signs or symptoms of infectious illnesses including:
- fever
- rash or blisters
- runny nose or weepy eyes
- excessive coughing or sneezing
- diarrhea or vomiting
- head lice
Hand hygiene is the single most important thing we can do to prevent the spread of infection. We request that everyone uses hand sanitizer upon entry to the Centre. Hand sanitizers are placed at each entrance and throughout the Centre for your convenience.
All staff will use hand sanitizer or wash their hands:
- upon entry to the Centre
- upon entry to the childcare area
- before and after client contact
- throughout the day on an ongoing basis
We are a mask friendly environment! Masks are available but no longer required.
Staff may determine a need to wear a mask, dependent upon the situation. Please talk with your clinician if you have a preference for masking during in person services.
Covid-19 Vaccination Requirements
We require all staff, volunteers, students (on educational placements) and client service contractors to have received two doses of an approved COVID-19 vaccine.
Supply Chain Code of Ethics
To ensure an ethical, professional and accountable Broader Public Sector (BPS) supply chain, Pathways Health Centre for Children adopts the following Code of Ethics which is based on the Ontario BPS Supply Chain Code of Ethics:
Personal Integrity and Professionalism
Individuals involved with Supply Chain Activities will act, and be seen to act, with integrity and professionalism. Honesty, care and due diligence will be integral to all Supply Chain Activities within and between BPS organizations, suppliers and other stakeholders. Respect will be demonstrated for each other and for the environment. Confidential information will be safeguarded. Participants will not engage in any activity that may create, or appear to create, a conflict of interest, such as accepting gifts or favors, providing preferential treatment, or publicly endorsing suppliers or products.
Accountability and Transparency
Supply Chain Activities will be open and accountable. In particular, contracting and purchasing activities will be fair, transparent and conducted with a view to obtaining the best value for public money. All participants will ensure that public sector resources are used in a responsible, efficient and effective manner.
Compliance and Continuous Improvement
Individuals involved with purchasing or other Supply Chain Activities will comply with this Code of Ethics and the laws of Canada and Ontario. Individuals should continuously work to improve supply chain standards and procedures, to improve their supply chain knowledge and skill levels, and to share leading practices.
Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility
Know Your Pathways Team
Pathways staff, students and volunteers have name badges. Feel free to ask if you are not sure who someone is, or are unclear of their role in your child’s care.
Changes in Your Child’s Health or Medication? We Need to Know!
This information is needed to ensure the best and safest care is provided. Please share any health issues, as well as the name, dose and possible side effects of any medications your child is taking.
Keep Vaccines Up-To-Date
Immunization reduces the risk of illness. Ask your physician or contact Lambton Public Health if you have any questions about immunization. (519) 383-8331 / 1-800-667-1839
Allergy Aware
Let us know of any allergies or sensitivities your child may have. While Pathways tries to be aware of allergies and sensitivities, we cannot guarantee a risk-free environment. Do not bring nut products, latex items (e.g., gloves/balloons), or wear strong scents (e.g., perfume) to appointments.
Safety is Your Job Too!
- You must supervise your children at all times.
- Report any unsafe conditions, incidents or injuries immediately to staff.
- Follow Pathways staff in the event of an emergency or drill. If you are not with your child during an emergency or drill, leave the building immediately through the nearest exit. Your child will join you at the designated evacuation meeting area.
- Please be aware that smoking/vaping are not permitted on Pathways property.
Notice of Disruption of Service
Pathways will give notice of temporary disruptions to services. Notifications will be posted on the website under “News and Events”, social media, automated voice attendant and/or using signage, when appropriate. Centre closures due to extreme weather will be announced on the local radio stations. Information will be shared if available, about the reason for the disruption and anticipated duration.
Safety information is available upon request in alternate formats. Contact our Accessibility Officer, 519-542-3471 ext. 1262 or inquiries can also be made through out Contact Us page.
Violence Threat Risk Assessment Protocol (VTRA)
Fair Notice Communication Regarding Violence Threat Risk Assessment Protocol
To Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers of clients of Pathways Health Centre for Children:
Pathways Health Centre for Children is committed to ensuring a safe community. In extreme cases when a child’s behavior poses a potential threat to their own or others’ well-being, the Community Violence Threat Risk Assessment Protocol (VTRA) agencies will take further steps to safeguard everyone.
The VTRA protocol outlines how Pathways Health Centre for Children along with other community partners will respond immediately to threatening incidents including but not limited to: possession of a weapon or replica weapon, bomb threat or plan, verbal or written (including electronic) threats to harm oneself or others, other threats of violence, and fire setting.
The initial response team is likely to include school personnel and the police but should conditions warrant, a Community Threat Assessment Team will be convened. This community team may include Pathways Health Centre for Children, as well as representatives of schools and community agencies who work with us to keep our schools and community safe.
Parents and guardians will be notified if their child will be discussed through the Community Violence Threat Risk Assessment Protocol. If parents/guardians cannot be reached, or if they choose not to provide consent, but a concern for safety still exists due to threatening behavior, the threat assessment may still proceed. Personal information shared throughout this process will respect and balance each individual’s right to privacy with the need to ensure the safety of all.
As always, a child’s safety is our first priority. This information is shared in our Pathways Resource Guide, as well as posted with additional information on our website www.pathwayscentre.org. If you have any questions regarding the Community Violence Risk Threat Assessment Protocol, please speak with a Pathways Health Centre for Children Representative.