What is Teen Transition Services
Teen Transition Services support teens with cognitive, developmental and physical disabilities, and their families, as they prepare for the transition to adulthood. Through engagement in Pathways in-centre programs, community-based activities and events, teens explore their community, develop an awareness of recreation and leisure opportunities, explore new interests and build skills, all while promoting participation within the community.
Who We Are:
The Teen Transition team at Pathways consists of specialists from three departments that work collaboratively to provide the best possible support:
- Therapeutic Recreation: Specialists emphasize the importance of leisure and recreation to help teens participate in their communities. They link teens to meaningful activities, to increase one’s quality of life. Group programs address a variety of participation and social skills, along with environment and activity specific skills.
- Occupational Therapy: Specialists assist with providing support for self-care, daily living skills, and accommodations with teens. Skills can include: dressing, feeding, hygiene, chores, self-regulation, social skills and work/volunteer related skills.
- Social Worker: Specialists offer counselling and emotional support for teens. Even though the Teen Transition program is typically offered in a group format, you can request to meet with the Social Worker for individual sessions. The Social Worker also provides support for funding applications for teens and their families.
Who we Serve:
- Ages 9-18* (up to 21 if still attending high school)
- Tweens and Teens with cognitive, developmental or physical disabilities living in Sarnia-Lambton
What to Expect:
Following a referral, an initial assessment involving both parent/caregiver and teen input will be scheduled to assess the goals based on the 6 F’s framework: Family, Friends, Function, Fun, Fitness and Future.
Our service focuses on group-based activities and programs, with individual consultations and sessions available, as required. Programs may involve: in Centre, in Community or virtual settings. Examples of programming include:
- PD Day Program: Following the public-school calendar, teens participate in activities such as educational session topics, arts/crafts, social games and other activities.
- iCan Bike: Pathways partners with international non-profit company, iCan Shine. The goal of the group is to teach people with disabilities to ride a bike during the one-week program. The program is reported to have an 80% success rate!
- Expressive Arts: Working with talented local directors to focus on an introduction to theatre arts skills, this program involves singing, dancing, choreography and performance arts skills leading up to a live performance.
- Social Skills programming: These types of programs involve practicing social skills, learning conversational skills, and understanding emotions in social areas, all in a safe and fun environment.
- Safe at Home: For ages 12 and up. For those youth that are starting to spend some time at home alone or unsupervised. Through interactive education, teens learn about home and community safety practices, handling emergencies and conflicts, developing home routines, practicing self-care, and other related skills.
- Tween and Teen Junction: Participants enjoy a scheduled, fun night with friends in Centre or in the community. This program is a social evening out with peers while exploring recreation and leisure opportunities.
- Additional programming: Axe Throwing, Cooking Classes, STEM/STEAM programs, etc., as available.
Community Recreation and Leisure Resources
- Special Olympics Sarnia
- Community Living
- Rebound
- St. Clair Child and Youth Services
- SD Lambton – Sport for Disabled: Sarnia Lambton
- Sarnia Minor Athletic Association (Challenger Baseball)
- Iron Eagles Weightlifting Club
- YMCA of Southwestern Ontario
- Sarnia Ice Hawks Sledge Hockey
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How To Refer: