Without medical technology and Pathways Health Centre for Children, Abby would not be with us today. Medical technology has given Abby a chance at life and Pathways has vastly improved her quality of life.
Abby was diagnosed with Hurler Syndrome (a rare genetic lysosomal storage disease) in 2009 and has been a Pathways client ever since. During Abby’s recovery from her stem cell transplant when she was 20 months old, Pathways provided training in feeding techniques, strength building exercises, and speech therapy. When Abby entered elementary school, the therapists at Pathways provided Physiotherapy, Speech and Occupational Therapy, as well as recommendations for all the required equipment. This ensured that Abby received the proper support at school and at home.
Self-esteem programs at Pathways encouraged Abby and helped her learn to cope with life’s pressures when she experienced bullying at school. Abby’s struggle with transitioning into high school was supported by Pathways who provided the school with the necessary information for a successful start as well as recommending counselling support. The Therapeutic Recreation and Expressive Arts programs with the Teen Transition Services have boosted Abby’s self-confidence, empowering her with wonderful life skills. Pathways has been an important part of all areas of Abby’s life. The therapists at Pathways truly care about their clients and always provide amazing support.
Abby has this to say about Pathways: “I love Pathways! Everyone has helped me to get where I am today. They helped me learn to walk, talk, sing, swim, and advocate for myself. They told us how to get equipment like hand splints, a chair, a desk, a computer, and exercise equipment which all help me everyday. I’ve made many friends through the programs and I love the warm pool because it helps me manage my pain. I even learned how to ride a bicycle through the iCan Bike Camp!”
Today Abby is a brave, strong, and kind teenager who loves art, cooking and swimming with Special Olympics and St. Patrick’s High School swim teams. She is a caring advocate for all children and knows how to make others feel included.
Her family has this to say about Pathways: “We are extremely grateful for the outstanding staff at Pathways Health Centre for Children, including the receptionist, the Aquatics Supervisor, the Service Co-ordinator and the knowledgeable therapists who support all clients. Pathways is an integral part of our community, meeting the many needs of children with disabilities, and we are indebted to this centre for the wonderful care and support our Abby has received.” ~ Abby and her family
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